The world is growing, the change as rapidly. In that context, the client becomes the center and is an important factor to decide the failure of the business. So, all activities pertaining to the customer must be unified & smooth, and the chief customer officer (CCO) is the closed position a pivotal role in this strategy. It is also an extremely important person in the Executive Board Director (C*O).

But, in fact, not all the CCOS understand the powers and its role to create positive change in the organization. Have to say, the essential role of the CCO is to promote sustainable business growth in a global economy. That is why we need to redefine the role of the 5th chief customer officer, aims to contribute to building an organization take the customer as the center.

1. Storyteller

In marketing, no technique is more persuasive than a powerful story. Therefore, to effectively "market" the customer to the organization, the CCO must be a master customer storyteller.

The fascinating story not only contains the necessary information but also to the emotional impact of the customer, ensuring customers are not only heard but also caught up in the story. It helps us reveal, reviews the assumptions, values and beliefs behind new ideas, and connect them with the world. Such as the duty of a company selling coffee is not just to sell more of that delicious coffee which also share the enthusiasm is in that cup of coffee.

The story often memorable for easy spreading. A CCO has stories or can reach out to people, it's easier to connect them and create a client sustainability community, rather than just know based solely on the data and tables.

2. Politician

Think for a moment about the current crop of presidential candidates. The one thing they all have in common is that they strive to be persuasive enough to rally massive amounts of citizens, each with different needs and demands, around their platform but willing to support them, help them achieve the "ballot" value.

The same can be said of the CCO. To successfully implement their customer-focused agenda, and help grow the business, they have to unite a siloed corporate citizenry around a common purpose: better-serving customers. This is not easy. The CCO needs to build a team the same opinion about the enthusiasm, dynamism, know how to comprehend customer problems to help make the plan sales strategies are powerful realism.

3. Who has the ability to update technology to keep up with trends

The speed of technological development is changing the behavior of interactive & customers with businesses. The result is that companies are investing greatly in the experience for customers through multimedia channels. Example: "AnyWare" located at Domino allows customers to choose the cake put through their smart TVs, by talking with the speaker of the Amazon Echo, or texting from their phones.

CCO always a supporter experience "technology" of customers. They need to understand the utility of the technology that customers expect from which built the distribution & marketing effectiveness.

4. CEO's chief advisor

In a recent PwC survey, 90% of global CEOs said customers have the biggest impact on strategy. Customer itself is a source of sustainable business development of the business. Both the CCO and the CEO need to share the vision of where the company is going and leverage customers as partners on the path to growth. It's not surprising that often the next job a CCO accepts is CEO.

5. Act "as customers"

Above all, the CCO needs to have customer intuition. It's about always thinking like a customer.

Through their creativity, ideas, and expertise, customers can pioneer a fundamental shift in business that's imperative for long-term growth. CCOs can spearhead the effort. They ensure the customer is designed into the company's structure, processes, and culture. 

CCOs need to know when and how to switch between roles quickly to be most effective. In today's chaotic economy, delivering on the expectations of the organization, and of customers, is the benchmark for CCO success.


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