CFO - Chief Financial Officer

Starting Date: 24/11/2024 - Location: HCMC

08:30 - 11:30 & 13:00 - 16:00
Discounted Fee
18.600.000 VND
19.800.000 VND

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

Program's message

Although businesses in Vietnam has continued to grow and expand, its national financial activities, as well as its financial management ability, still has much to improve when compared to the robust management systems worldwide. PACE understands that for businesses to succeed, the role of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is undeniably important, even for small businesses.  Even if an enterprise with a strong development strategy is doing well, not having a competent CFO to implement an effective financial management system may expose the business to many risks. PACE is subsequently offering the special training program for CFOs in Vietnam to enhance their ability to perform and close the skills and knowledge gap with other countries worldwide. 

The portrait of the current CFO has evolved over the years. What made a CFO successful from the last decade may not translate to a successful CFO of today. After emerging from a national economic model based on the “close the door” policy, Vietnam has quickly integrated into the world economy with the development of businesses in various sectors and industries. Today, as Vietnam has set aside many business barriers, the country is learning to compete with the world, including competing in financial management ability. A CFO, thus, must not only be able to compete with local businesses in the country, but also business in the international market to ensure the company’s success.

With this background of the current state of finance in Vietnam and the potential that it holds, PACE researched, designed and composed this special training program with the desire to contribute to a common objective to prepare and equip the new generation of CFOs in the business community, who have the desire to build their financial management capacity to help their companies compete on the global market.

Moreover, PACE believes that a CFO is not only a position a product of an assignment decision but also a career a product of a methodical and systematic training and practicing process.  PACE’s training program will, thus, provide you with the fundamental and updated knowledge needed by a professional CFO that will leverage your career experience and enable you to become a professional CFO.

PACE trainers are Vietnamese experts who have in-depth knowledge and profound experience in finance and accounting. They are also committed professionals with a passion to bridge the financial management gap between Vietnamese executives and their global counterparts.

The CFO program offers a flexible schedule-day or evening classes, thereby accommodating busy executives with challenging time constraints to complete the program in 04 months or 2.5 months.

Program's information


  • Existing CFOs aiming to achieve better performance and become a professional CFO in local and foreign enterprises.
  • Chief accountants, senior accountants, and other financial executives who aspire to become CFOs.
  • Those with aspirations to become CFOs in the future.


Participants must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • University/college graduates, majoring in finance, accounting, auditing.
  • Currently or formerly holding management positions in finance, accounting and/or auditing.
  • At least 2 years of working experience in accounting, finance or auditing.


After successfully completing this program, participants will:

  • To provide core thinking and conceptual tools required for an effective CFO in the integration and globalization process.
  • To provide participants with essential knowledge and skills of various components needed for a high-achieving CFO.


After successfully completing this program participants will:

  • Learn about a "portrait" and qualities of a professional CFO.
  • Gain in-depth understanding of core knowledge and conceptual tools to be a highly effective CFO in a global economy.
  • Be empowered to realize the aspirations to be a professional CFO


The total duration of the program is 30 sessions (equivalent to 90 hours), you can choose to study in the evening or on weekends. Each program lasts 04
months for daytime classes or 2.5 months for evening classes.



Participants who have completed the program will be awarded the Graduation Certificate of the “Chief Financial Officer” program of PACE School of Finance & Accounting (a member of PACE Institute of Management).

Program's content

The PACE CFO Training Program is developed based on PACE Financial Management Model (PFMM).






Being a Professional CFO
- Position, role, mission, and work of a CFO
- Qualities, competencies, knowledge, and experience required of a CFO
- Path and conditions required to become a professional CFO




Financial Accounting
- Nature of Financial Accounting
- Financial Accounting Standards (Vietnam & International)
- Prepare Financial Statements & Interpret Financial Statements




Managerial Accounting
- Nature of Managerial Accounting
- The essential contents of Managerial Accounting
(Including Classification of costs, the relationship between "Cost - Output - Profit"; Break-even analysis; Calculation of costs/prices & Product selling pricing;...)




Financial Management
- Functions of Financial Management
- Financial Planning & Budget Planning
- Capital mobilization, Capital use & Capital control




Financial Analysis & Investment Decision 
- Analyze financial statements
- Analyze financial metrics
- Analysis & investment decision




Stock Market
- What is the stock market and what is it for?
- Raising capital through the Stock Market
- Financial Management & Stock Market




Foreign Exchange Market
- Understanding the Foreign Exchange Market (Vietnam & International)
- Forex Market & Financial Management
- Exchange rate and interest rate risks; Risk prevention tools




Vietnamese Tax System 
- Overview of tax system and tax law in Vietnam
- Understanding VAT, CIT, PIT




Laws on Business
- Vietnamese legal system; Laws & International Treaties
- Laws on Finance and Accounting in the Vietnamese legal system
- Law on Contracts (types of contracts) in Vietnam




Team Management 
- Basic and essential knowledge of team management
- Team management method; Some management skills




Life Management Program 
(Special Seminar for Chief-Officer Programs)




Final Exam




Graduation Ceremony







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