Effective Time Management Skills

Starting Date: 30/03/2025 - Location: HCMC

08:30 - 11:30 & 13:00 - 16:00
Discounted Fee
1.500.000 VND
1.800.000 VND

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

Program's message

Imagine this scenario - You leave home early, rush to the office, and fall into the flow of the workday, which is inundated with meetings, appointments, and management work. The end of the day approaches you before you know it; and you trudge home, feeling tired and fed up. You tell yourself and your family that you are sacrificing for a better future that will bring more stability, higher salaries, and future career advancement. However, this better future is nowhere near as you yet again are rushing into the office early to begin your day. 

Many people in this modern society have fallen victim to the above time-trap scenario. Lack of good time management skills is one of the main causes. Effective time management skills can help business leaders and managers to be more productive and efficient and avoid being burned out. To develop these important skills, PACE is offering the "Effective Time Management Skills" training program. By taking this course, participants will be equipped with time management knowledge and tools required for them to seize the day, become the boss of their own lives and achieve the better, fulfilling future for which they work very hard.

To accommodate busy executives with facing time constraints, the program offers a flexible schedule - day or evening classes - where participants can complete the program in two sessions.

Program's information


  • Senior Managers and Leaders in organizations;
  • Middle Managers - Functional Directors and Managers, Chiefs / Heads and Deputy Heads of Departments;
  • Those who wish to strengthen their time management skills.


After successfully completing this program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the role and process of time management;
  • Gain in-depth understanding in important principles ofmanaging time effectively;
  • Know the process and methodology of time management at work;
  • Know how to apply time management tools and techniques to optimize working performance.

Program's content

Part I. Why do we have to manage time?

- Is time really gold?
- Are you the boss or slave of your time?
- What do you do during 24 hours?
- Why do we have to manage our time?

Part II. Five golden rules in time management

- Rule 1: Limited - Unchangeable;
- Rule 2: The start;
- Rule 3: Priority;
- Rule 4: Optimization;
- Rule 5: Thief.

Part III. Process and methodology of effective time management

- Process of time management;
- Methods of effective time management:

  • Setting targets (S.M.A.R.T) and management by objectives (M.B.O);
  • Identifying and analyze resources;
  • Methods of making plans for a year, a quarter, a month and a week;
  • Implementing and evaluating achieved results;
  • Applicable forms and templates.

Part IV. Tools and techniques of time management to maximize working performance

- Time management matrix:

  • 1st quarter: Important and Urgent;
  • 2nd quarter: Important and Not urgent;
  • 3rd quarter: Not important and Urgent;
  • 4th quarter: Not important and Not urgent.

- Pareto’s Law (80/20) in time management;
- Common supporting tools and software.

Upcoming Program

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In addition to the public training programs, PACE also offers in-house workshops which are tailored to the specific needs of each organization. Whether the goal is to prepare for a major change initiative or to build individual or organizational competency in a particular area...

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