CHRO - Chief Human Resources Officer

Starting Date: 17/09/2024 - Location: HCMC

Starting Date
18.000.000 VND
Discounted Fee
16.800.000 VND
18:00 - 21:00

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

Program's message

Nowadays, the head of human resources of an enterprise is often titled Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO), instead of the traditional title of Human Resources Manager or Director. This change is not simply in name only; it reflects the transformation of CHRO’s role according to global trends in human resources management. PACE recognizes that the CHRO is not only a high-level position, but also a professional occupation that requires methodical and systematic training.  PACE has subsequently researched, designed, and implemented the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) training program to empower business leaders with the knowledge of new trends and critical skills to become a professional CHRO. 

Taking into profound consideration of the human resources circumstances in Vietnam, especially new labor laws and regulations, PACE hopes to provide business leaders with a global perspective on human resources management to bring their companies up to par with international standards. The training program for CHROs includes the following main components: (1) Being a Professional CHRO; (2) HR Division; (3) HR Strategy; (4) Recruitment & Assignment; (5) Personnel Appraisal; (6) Learning & Development; (7) Compensation & Benefits; (8) Corporate Culture; (9) Laws on Labour, and (10) Life Management Program.

Trainers of the program are seasoned experts in human resources management. They have in-depth knowledge of the latest trends in human resources management in Vietnam and worldwide. PACE’s trainers are dedicated to helping participants upgrade their human resource systems so that they can more successfully compete and integrate into the international market.

Program's information


  • Existing Human Resource (HR) directors, HR managers, heads of the personnel department, and Department of Administration in local and foreign enterprises, who wish to be equipped with HR knowledge and skills in order to become a professional CHRO.
  • HR officers or executives who wish to become high-achieving CHROs.


Prospective participants must be at least 22 years old and satisfy at least one of the followingrequirements:

  • University or college diploma (of any major).
  • Current or former managers or executives holding important management positions in theircompanies.
  • At least two years of work experience in a certain industry.


  • To help learners understand what a professional CHRO is like, and how to become a professional CHRO.
  • To provide learners with fundamental concepts, core knowledge, and skills a CHRO must possess.


After completing this program, participant will be able to do the following:

  • To understand current changes in the roles and responsibilities of a CHRO, and new trends in the HR management field locally and internationally.
  • To acquire systematic thinking and core knowledge that is required of CHRO in today’s business environment, including organizations and activities of the HR sector, setting up strategies to develop manpower for the organization, culture and corporate culture, recruitment and assignment processes, current labor laws, compensation, and benefit system building and execution.


The total duration of the program is 27 sessions (equivalent to 81 hours), you can choose to study in the evening or on weekends. Each program lasts 04 months for daytime classes or 2.5 months for evening classes.


Participants who have completed the program will be awarded the Graduation Certificate of the “Chief Human Resources Officer” program of PACE School of Human Resources Management (a member of PACE Institute of Management).

Program's content

# Subjects Sessions Hours
Being a Professional CHRO
- Position, role, mission, and work of a CHRO
- Qualities, capacity, knowledge, and experience required of a CHRO
- Path and conditions required to become a professional CHRO
1 3
HR Division
- Functions, duties, powers, and responsibilities of HR Division
- Key functions, processes, and policies of HR Division
- Measure the effectiveness of HR Division and HR Division’s reporting system
1 3
HR Strategy
- Corporate strategy and HR strategy
- Planning HR Strategy
- Implement, test, measure, and evaluate the HR Strategy
4 12
4 Talent Acquisition & Assignment 
- Recruitment - The role of the HR department and other departments
- Recruitment strategy and recruitment process
- Principles in effective assignment
- Main activities in assignment
2 6
5 Personnel Appraisal & Talent Assessment  
- The purpose of personnel evaluation (for Assignment, Termination, Training, Remuneration)
- 3 criteria for evaluating personnel: Attitude, Competence & Achievement
- Building HR evaluation system & HR evaluation implementation process
- Some models, methods and tools in personnel evaluation
4 12
6 Learning & Development (L&D) 
- Understanding of training and human resource development
- Modern model of training and developing human resources
- Develop, implement and evaluate training plans
- Talent Management and Succession Team Development    
4 12
7 Compensation & Benefits (C&B) 
- Salary and remuneration basis: Achievements, Competencies & Attitudes
- 3P Method and Developing Salary Policy according to 3P
- Salary budget, Salary system, Salary structure
- Policies and remuneration other than salary
4 12
8 Corporate Culture  
- What is corporate culture? The role of corporate culture
- Methods of building and changing corporate culture
- Measuring the results of building Corporate Culture
2 6
9 Laws on Labour  
- Legal research method
- Understanding of Labor Law, Labor Contract
- Legal provisions on termination of employment
- Illustration: labor dispute
2 6
Life Management Program (LMP)
2 6
Final Exam
1 3
Graduation Ceremony
* *
TOTAL 27 81


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