Effective Communication Skills

Starting Date: 25/11/2024 - Location: HCMC

18:00 - 21:00
Discounted Fee
2.500.000 VND
3.000.000 VND

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

Program's message

Having good communication skills is important in many aspects of life, and the business environment is certainly no exception. These skills are parts of every employee and manager/leader’s standard tool set. No matter how talented employees may be, not being able to translate thoughts into useful and practical expression can place the company at a competitive disadvantage.  Furthermore, positive image of an organization or company is created and shown by the professional communication each individual, from support staff to management levels, in verbal, non-verbal languages, behaviors, and actions. Therefore, the ability to communicate effectively is even more important in the globalized business world.

The "Effective Communication Skills" program offered by PACE help you learn more about fundamentals of communicating to succeed in a business environment.  At the end of the program, participants will gain an in-depth understanding of what good communication skills are and what they can do to improve their abilities.

Program's information


Managers and leaders in organizations who wish to accelerate their leadership competency to higher levels by enhancing their interpersonal/communication skills;

Middle Managers - Functional directors and managers, chiefs/heads and deputy heads of departments;

Those who wish to strengthen their skills so that they can work confidently and effectively with others.


After successfully completing this program, participants will be able to:

Communicate effectively in working and business;

Strengthen their working capability  through enhanced communication skills;

Strengthen the ability to communicate effectively in the workplace;

Enhance communication skills and increase working performance.


Discussions - We provide learners with the context of change through interactions, both amongst the learners and between the trainer and the learners. Rather than the traditional lecture method, the interaction and communication between the groups have proven to be a much more effective and powerful method of learning.

Demonstrations - Students conduct case studies, and learn from hands - on activities and through multi - media.

Consultative training - Students are provided with the necessary knowledge and tools to successfully apply the skills to their own business contexts.

Program's content

Part I. Role of effective communication at work and in business

  • Importance of communication;
  • Process of handling information in communication;
  • Barriers in communication and techniques to break these barriers;
  • Factors affecting communication;
  • Modern communication culture, Eastern and Western communication cultures.

Part II. The art of listening and behaving in communication

  • The art of listening;
  • Active listening skills;
  • Effective listening methods;
  • Negative habits in listening and solutions to these problems;
  • Methods to understand the implied/tacit truths and underlying meanings;
  • The art and methods of asking questions;
  • The art and methods of answering questions effectively.

Part III. Culture in modern communication

  • Communication culture by written documents;
  • Communication culture via email;
  • Communication culture on the phone;
  • Communication culture by face-to-face contacts.

Part IV. Attitudes, skills and appearance in professional communication

  • Presentation and behavioral skills;
  • Body languages;
  • Professional appearance and dressing.
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