Practical Digital Marketing

Starting Date: 23/09/2024 - Location: Live Online

Starting Date
5.000.000 VND
Live Online
Discounted Fee
4.200.000 VND
18:00 - 21:00

Special rates are offered when payment is received at least seven (7) days before the course starting date.

Program's message

In today’s digital era, establishing a business’s online presence is a must. Therefore, capturing and applying Digital Marketing is an important task of businesses of allsizes and even online business people.

If implemented correctly, Digital Marketing can help bring two outstanding benefits to businesses, which are: Driving Sales and Building Brand Awareness. 

Therefore, PACE School of Marketing Management (an affiliated school of PACE Institute of Management) has designed and implemented the program “Practical Digital Marketing” to help participants quickly understand the nature of Marketing and know how to master the practical tools of Digital Marketing in just 6 sessions.

Program's information


After successfully completing this program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental principles of Digital Marketing;
  • Understand the essence of Marketing and content strategy;
  • Master the practical tools of Digital Marketing.


This program is designed for the following participants:

  • Marketing and Sales people at all levels of businesses;
  • Small and medium business owners who want to understand and implement Digital Marketing;
  • People who are doing business, selling online, or those who want to learn about Digital Marketing activities in practice.

Program's content

Part 1. Digital Marketing Foundational Principles & Strategy

  • Fundamental principles of Digital Marketing;
  • The essence of Marketing strategy;
  • The essence of content strategy.

Part 2. Practical Digital Marketing

  • Practical tools of sales: Optimizing sales performance;
  • Practical tools of content: From Outbound to Inbound;
  • Practical tools of ads campaign: Facebook, Youtube, Google Ad…;
  • Group practice through a specific project.

Part 3. Program Summary & Application Orientation

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